Friday, January 25, 2008

Dehydration May Be The Cause of Many Illnesses.

"Chronic pains of the body which cannot easily be explained as injury or infection should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area where the pain is registered. These pain signals should first be considered and excluded as primary indicators for dehydration of the body before any other complicated procedures are forced on the patient." - Dr F Batmanghelidj

The human body requires a quart of water per day for every 50 lbs of body weight. The blood alone is made up of a large percentage of watery serum. Every cell in our body owes its life to an adequate supply of fresh, clean water. When the body does not receive a constant supply of water, it has to ration what is available and cut back on certain functions to make the supply go round. Essential systems like the brain are prioritized; others are impaired or cut back until the brain has decided a reliable source of water has been attained.

Most people have become chronically and dangerously dehydrated (especially the elderly), since we decided water was too bland and ignored it in favor of tea, coffee, beer, wine, addictive sodas, flavored water and other chemical-laced water alternatives. A dangerous alternative for the body and society's health in general and compounded further, given that most doctors today cannot readily identify the many water-deficient diseases and its associated pains. Thus, the underlying dehydration process continues to wreak its havoc while the inevitable prescriptions drugs are given which eventually switch off the warning signals (symptoms).

Many of today's fashionable drinks are diuretic in their effect (water-expelling) because their mostly acidic compositions require the body to give up water and alkalizing minerals to eliminate their harmful residues. Diet sodas especially are harmful in that they require large amounts of body-water to neutralize the phosphoric acid component (2.8 pH). Cells that started off healthy and 'plum-like' shrivel to prunes, as water is progressively denied them and eliminated out. The ailing in our hospitals are fed the sodas, tea and coffee they ask for in ignorance of the damage wrought to the micro cell-world contained in them.

Consider the following health conditions: Heartburn, arthritis, lupus, asthma, 'high cholesterol', high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer formation, hot flushes and menstrual problems, obesity, allergies, bulimia, chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, angina, lower back pain, gout, kidney stones, skin disorders, diabetes, fungal/yeast overgrowths, multiple sclerosis, allergies, migraine headaches, general aches and pains, morning sickness, depression, heavy/burdensome periods, colitis, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers.

Water is used by the body for digestion, detoxifying cells, watering the lungs, lubricating joints, keeping the body alkalized and a host of cleaning duties. Many warning signals ('symptoms') arise out of the body's inability to neutralize or rid itself of acid.

Though plain water is good, Xtreme X2O is GREAT, it gives your body added Calcium, Magnesium and 70+ trace minerals that your body recognizes & utilizes immediately. It’s simple, it comes in a little tea bag that you drop directly into your water, shake 5-10 times and let set for a few minutes to activate the minerals.

If you truly don’t like the taste of water or just want a little something extra. Try X2O Blast. It’s a 100% natural water flavoring, with zero calories, no artificial sugars and the antioxidant equivalent of 5 fruits and vegetables.

For more information please email me or visit: